Capricorn Anderson was a young boy that grew up at Garland Farm. Capricorn was being raised by his grandmother who also home schooled him.One day while he was being home schooled Rain his grandmother fell from a tree picking out a plum.After the accident he was sent to live with the social worker named Flora Donnelly. Also,instead of being home schooled he had to go to a public school named Claverage.While Capricorn Anderson was in public school he affected a lot of people and three of them were Zach Powers,Naomi Erlanger,Sophie Donnelly.
Zach Powers was the first person Capricorn affected.Zach was the most popular kid in Claverage because of his athletic and laid back ways.Zach’s favorite person to pick on was Hue Winklemen who was small,nerdy,and dorky,before Capricorn arrived. After,Capricorn arrived he was Zach’s new target.Zach made Capricorn 8th grade president to bully him and spit spitballs at Capricorn’s hair. After Capricorn became popular Hue Winklemen came up with a plan to set cap up to be crumbled by the football team at Pep Rally. After what Zach did to Capricorn Zach was no longer popular because nobody would even look or talk to him
At first Naomi Erlanger would be mean to Capricorn she would spit at him, push him, and laugh at him. Cap as 8th grade president tried to change how she acted but she did not pay no mind to him and kept teasing him. Naomi then started to write fake love letters to Cap to be mean to him and get Zach’s attention.Naomi then started to like Cap and chased him to the boys bathroom and kissed him.Cap really changed Naomi’s life because of th reason she started to like him and practice Tai-Shee with him. Sophie Donnely was the teen age daughter of Flora Donnelly,when Cap first arrived to live with the Donnely’s Sophie would call him names.Such as hippy dippy, freakazoid, and zin hippy.She also said mean things like he was a refugee from bizarro world and that he was scraping a third world country of his feet and she said “This is no time for your hippy dippy wisdom.”Even though Sophie was mean to Cap, Cap was still did nice things to her such as taking her to get her drivers lesson and brought her an engraved bracelet and said it was from her father which meant a lot to her.After she found out that cap brought her the bracelet and it was not her father she went all the way to garland farm to make sure he experiences a Halloween dance.
Capricorn Anderson had a lot of affects on a lot of people but the 3 people he had the most affect on was Zach Powers,Naomi Erlanger,and Sophie Donnelly.Capricorn Anderson’s affect on them 3 was big because he changed their attitude and whats school and life all about.Also Cap left their heads with a lot of thoughts.
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